I really liked 24 before this season started, but this season has really been pathetic. The situations are fucking rediculous. Tony gets shot in the neck, oh I'm fine now. Jack's a H fiend at the start, but has been fine the rest of the day. Chase gets shot in the hand, beaten, and has gas thrown on him, he's fine now of course. Michelle magically is one of the 10% who is immune. They surround the bad guy but wait, there's a few hours left so he has to escape - solution - let's leave this one door unguarded!
The worst was the Pres killing Chapelle and less than one hour later says we won't bow to any more demands!! I bet the ghost of Chapelle appreciates that! What kind of a moron goes from murdering one person to save millions is ok, but allowing terrorists to murder 42 operatives in order to save millions is... just.. too... much...
It's just way too over the top. At least in Alias, there's the underlying 007 superhero thing going on. It makes the asinine plot twists reasonable.
The saddest thing is that I'll still watch season 4 because the networks have such a hard time making good original shows.