not being able to climb things that a normal human being could climb, just tall enough to not be able to jump on, but heaven forbid I be able to climb on top of a desk. And since when did a chain link fence become an unpassable monument? if you want an area to become unpassable build a giant stone fence and cover it with teflon and crisco. If I can't climb it, I REALLY don't want to be able to climb it.
I'll say it again, cheating AI, enemies that are WAY too far away to hit you with a gun accurately, yet have 100% accuracy at a mile away.
I'll also agree with vents to a degree, if they go to a secret area or someplace that you don't need to go to complete the mission,cool. Also TOO realistic A/C systems, Just like in real life i can crawl around the vents for an hour and still not get any where. I swear one of these days I'm gonna come across a player that had tried to beat the level before, only now he rotting in some vent stinking up the whole place.
Little crawly things that damage you as much as a shotgun blast, I don't think a cat knawing on my ankle is going to take away 20% of my health. Unless it has STD's or something.
I can't agree more with what was said about some small thing you did at the beginning of the game. having a major consequence on the ending, or if it affects the ability to complete the game at all. You saved a person at the beginning of the game and you rely on him being alive, only to find out he died of indigestion because you didn't give him some TUMS in level 2.
Unrealistic hit zones. I know these are game intensive and is just starting to get to be a big aspect in a game. but if I shoot a guy with a .44 in the head. I better be blowing brain bubbles out of my nose, and picking skull shards out of my eyes. If they recieve a headshot only to turn around and start shooting back, no bueno.
Games that are TOO realistic. yes I like a lot of realism in my games, and this isn't as bad as being too unrealistic. it's all a balance. When my character wakes up in the morning I don't want him in the bathroom for 45 minutes trying to drop the chalupa he ate the night before.
Unbreakable things. since when did everyone install bulletproof glass? If i take a chainsaw to a book shelf I want it to shatter. If there is a padlock on a door where I need a key to continue on with the level, in real life i would use a gun or any other heavy object to break that fucker apart and continue on.