Originally posted by guthmund
I don't know. Why is it greater that he gave up money rather than friends and family?
It's not an either-or thing. There should be a "just" between "than" and "friends". Then I'll agree.
This devalues the life of every other Tom, Dick and Harry over there fighting.
I'm not going to argue with that. It's just that this particular guy was someone more people had heard of than the rest, who are only known to each of their families, and that makes for a story lots of people would want to read. Having a story lots of people want to read sells newspapers. Newspapers like to sell themselves for some reason.

Again, it comes down to money.
I think I was wrong with what I said originally. It wasn't about money in that sense but rather because people would want to read about this particular guy. I'd never heard of him, myself.
People like to read about nasty shit, so that's what's in newspapers. Good news doesn't seem to sell as well.
This is what should be celebrated not the fact that he gave up a paycheck, but the paycheck seems to impress us the most....