1. Cheating AI. I know it's the purpose of the game to challenge you, but there are times when it's incredibly f'n ridiculous. Lately, GTA:VC has been pissing me off. I can handle a car in that game like nobody's bidness, but the second I'm in a mission or go into vigilante, it's as if I can't drive it.. like the rules of the physics engine change. The car suddenly handles like ass, or someone will shoot my car TWICE and it blows up. WTF?
2. Linear RPGs. Final Fantasy X pissed me off with that shit.. and as a result, I never cared enough about the game to finish it. Where's the world map? The airship? The freedom of being able to go whereever I want? If Final Fantasy 12 is this linear, then I've lost all hope for the series.
3. The Mini games/events in RPGs that you CAN'T re-do if you screw up. An example being... the lightning plains in FFX. You need to hit X whenever the screen lights up to avoid getting hit by the lightning. If you make it to the end, you get a prize depending on how many times you got hit. I'd love to get the best item they have, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna start a new game JUST to get past the lightning plains again.
4. Not being able to go back in an RPG (as mentioned by another poster above). Final Fantasy 8 pissed me off with that. Once you get into time compression, you can't get back to the real world. Thanks, now I need to start over considering I went in with crappy weapons and none of my guys built up.
5. Cryptic hidden stuff that you could NEVER find on your own without the help of a strategy guide. Example being... the DoomTrain (I think that's what it's called) GF in FF8. I don't even remember how to get it (it's been about 4 years since I played), but a friend of mine looked up all the GFs since he was missing one. Found out that you get some rather nonsensical clue at some point in the game, and then you have to go to some secluded spot and use an item. C'mon.. do they really expect people to figure this stuff out on their own?
I love to complete my games 100%, but half the time it's damn near impossible because they make things so tedious and complex.
I beat Metroid Prime w/ an 89% rating. I was at the Metroid Prime (end boss) and was missing the Ice Cannon, so I scoured every single square inch of that game. I'm talking I scanned every wall with every visor on every level MULTIPLE times... took me an ungodly amount of hours. I eventually found the Ice Beam. I thought it would bump me up to the upper 90's, but no. Went up 1%. I'm assuming the rest are missles/power bomb expansions and stuff, but goddamn... to know that I scoured every square inch of that game multiple times only to learn that there's 10% more I need to get a 100% complete rating is INSANE and somewhat disappointing.
I don't mind playing a game to completion, but I'm not gonna devote the next 4 months of my life trying to find all this extra stuff just to see a better ending...
I love lamp.