Location: About 50,000 feet in the air... oh shit.
I'm starting this thread so that other people can either critique mine, edit them, or write a whole new list of their own. I'm betting there will be some interesting responses here. You don't have to follow my pattern, just write whatever pops into mind.
My Truths:
-=If there is anything worth dying for, it's God.=-
(Now I know there are a lot of people who don't agree with this one, so I'd appreciate it if you guys would turn a blind eye towards this one.)
God is the greatest cause of all. He created us, saved us, loves us in spite of how terrible we are towards him. He is the perfect parent multiplied times infinity. We owe him everything, our life being merely the beginning.
-=If there is anything worth fighting for, it's Love.=-
The people out there who agree with the above, probably disagree with this one, but I see some very big hipocracies with fighting for God. For one big hole, Jesus was supposed to be the model human right? Jesus never once faught, and forbade it of his disciples. God doesn't want us to fight, he wants us to love. Love your enemies. You don't fight/kill people you love. Love on the other hand (the kind in a relationship, not the kind you have for friends) is definately worth fighting for. Love should make you want to protect, and so, if your love is threatened, you should not think twice before jumping into action. Once you've found love, you should fight tooth and nail to hold it forever.
-=If there is anything worth striving for, it's peace.=-
How great would the world be with peace? There is a part of me that says we should fight first, extinguish the evil and whatnot, but after thinking it through, I always come to the conclusion that we should establish peace first, then settle the rest with words.
-=I think therefore I am.=-
Yeah, I guess I'm not very original. When I'm in one of my wierder moods (sorta like right now) I try to prove to myself that there is such thing as reality, and I never can. What I can grasp as a firm truth though, is that at least my mind exists because it is here to ponder its existance. With that foothold, I find the strength to continue to question the rest.
-=There is nothing more important to one's happiness than friends.=-
Another one I think will get debated over, but I'm convinced that there is nothing that brings greater or more consistant happiness. I can think of no greater sadness than that which accompanies lonliness. Now, there are plenty of people with friends that are sad, y'know, people with friends left and right who always have company, but that does not make them exceptions to my rule. Their "friends" are not truly friends. To me a friend is someone you could tell anything to. I don't know many people with a lot of friends, because it takes a lot of time and energy to build up that much trust with someone. People who think they have a lot of friends, usually don't have any.
-=People who claim to have all the answers don't.=-
Goes hand in hand with:
-=People who claim to have none of the answers, have tons.=-
I've gotten little good advice from the people in my life who offer it freely. These people throw out knowldege freely like this, because the instantly accept it as true from whoever gives it to them. However, the nuggets of wisdom dropped from the thinkers and loners of the world are like gold. These are people who mull over everything that enters their head excessively and if they finally deem something worth passing on, then it usually is.
-=We must all survive.=-
No matter what's wrong or how bad you feel, you've got to press on if you ever hope to find the answers. Suicide is quitting. Those who kill themselves are selfish cowards. You'll never find truth or grow towards whatever ideal it is you hold to be true, be it power, righteousness, hapiness, or whatever if you're dead. This one truth makes my life much simpler, because it rules out what otherwise would be a big temptation in the hard times. The quest for truth that we're all on whether we realize it or not leads us into some hard times. In these times, we're often not strong enough to continue our quest, but if we just keep breathing, either God, or our friends, or just the currents of life will carry us out of them eventually. Survive.
That wraps mine up I guess. I'm not even completely solid on all of the above, and I'm definately not solid on the details I wrote. There are a few truths I'm struggling with and would like especially to hear your points of view on (well, I want to hear them all, but I figure if I write a few topics out that you may write some things that may not have crossed your mind otherwise). These are: drugs, laziness, happiness (yeah, I wrote one on this, bbut I'm not solid on it), power, responsibility. There are more, but these are the ones that pop into my head. I hope I helped someone or at least provided some interesting reading material. I hope I get lots of responses too! ^_^
P.S. I'm sorry I didn't do a better job of communicating what's in my head here, but I'm tired for one thing and for another I didn't want to make it so long as to scare everyone away from reading it... which I think I did anyway.
Last edited by Amarth; 05-03-2004 at 12:40 AM..