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Old 05-02-2004, 09:29 PM   #2 (permalink)
I think the Titled Cafe Project is a great idea in principle but it would be differcult to find away to make profits if you encourage patrons to stop and talk. It is the capatalist in me talking but coffee houses need trafic in and out constantly due to the relitively low cost of a cup of coffe. If you can incorperate an internet cafe into it that is a good idea but I would frown on using them as gaming machines and keep it solely for browsing, basic computer (i.e. mid range pc's) Iv never started a buisness myself but if you can make a buisness plan thats works, I say go for it. Hell, I would drive down the coast to get a cup of coffee. But still, I would make an expense list of all the costs of your buisness (initial startup costs, wages, supplies, hardware) and how many customers you would need a day to break even (or better make money) and see if it is posssible. Maybe you can head to the closest coffee shop to where you might open up and spend a day counting how much traffic goes in and apox. what they are spending. If you can justify it, it would be a great place to go.

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