Originally posted by KnifeMissle
There are plenty of sites that sell hair accessories but they all assume you already know what you are doing. How is it that the entire world assumes that you just naturally know how to prepare your hair? It makes no sense! Someone has to teach you, at some point, don't they?\
As a formerly Very Long-Haired Boy (tm), I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Nobody had prepped me on putting my hair in a ponytail or proper washing and brushing. I had to pick all of that up on my own, or from female friends.
The other funny thing is, my mom had two boys, and lurkette's mom had two girls and a boy. At one point, my mom's two sons were both Very Long-Haired Boys (tm). I watched my mom one time struggle and ultimately fail at ponytailing my brother's hair, and my mother-in-law stepped up and had it in a perfect tail in about three seconds. It had never occurred to me that different moms might have different know-how!