Town change arrest policy
Town changes policy after 97-year-old arrested
Woman was handcuffed and jailed on traffic warrants
HIGHLAND PARK, Texas (AP) -- The police department is changing its arrest practices after a 97-year-old woman was detained for an outstanding traffic warrant, provoking a flurry of response, officials said.
Public safety officials said in a news release Friday that officers and supervisors have been granted broader discretion on arrests on traffic warrants until the policy is reviewed.
Former teacher Harriette Kelton was arrested, handcuffed and taken to jail last month after officers stopped her car for having an expired registration and inspection sticker.
She was in custody about two hours before her attorney arrived and she was released on her own recognizance.
Police said then that officers had no choice but to arrest Kelton. But the department was inundated with e-mails and phone calls -- with mixed opinions on the arrest -- and officials added a comments feature to the department's Web site.
The plan to review arrest policies sounds like a good move, Kelton said.
"They used no discretion in mine," she told The Dallas Morning News for Saturday editions. "They ought to have some of their policies changed."
Why should the policy changed? As far as I'm concerned, the old woman broke the law and should not get away with it.
Does a 20 yrs old murder somebody and 80 yrs later gets arrested for it and gets away with it because it's not right to arrest old people?
Looking out the window, that's an act of war. Staring at my shoes, that's an act of war. Committing an act of war? Oh you better believe that's an act of war