Mob mentality is a powerful thing.
This is so very sad. I hope that poor girl is ok.
Yes violence is not the way to deal with these people (as much as our instincts would like to do) but they should be punished as harshly as the law allows. Our laws don't allow beatings of course. These mothers should not be allowed to parent these or any other children any longer. Their behavior is sufficient evidence that they are completely incompetent. They should be imprisoned for a very long time.
Head injuries such as they inflicted on this girl will probably haunt her the rest of her life if they don't disable her. Hubby has only a single blow to his head and will be taking medication for it the rest of his life.
This is a clear story of human deprivaty. We are no better than the lowest, filthiest life form when we commit such heinious acts.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.