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Old 05-02-2004, 07:42 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Bayou Country
I would have to say I'm more anti-bush than pro-kerry...I think that Edwards would have been the best choice for the democratic nomination. Either way, I don't think that even with someone new in office, we have anyway out of this situation that we find ourselves in.

I have to go with Derwood...I can't comprehend what people are seeing when they say that President Bush has been the greatest thing for this country. Even if you are republican, do you have to be that far right wing that it clouds your vision about what we have going on right now? Come on, this administration has been very dishonest about this whole Iraq thing and there is a cloud of secrecy surrounding all this war on terror. In four years, we have gone from a surplus budget to a record deficit (which can't all be attributed to Pres. bush), but the amount of deficit spending can be attributed to this administration. The economy is turning around somewhat and there is evidence that jobs are being created, but the earning factor in the jobs that are being created are not necessarily equal to that of the jobs that were lost during the first 3 years.
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