RPG related
1. Killing a person in a silent fashion and the whole town aggro's on me (morrowind did this right)
2. BAD NPC AI, give me the ability to pause the game and issue commands from 3rd person omniscent (BG2/KOTOR did this right).
3. Not letting me roll a character at the start of the game (Diablo comes to mind).
4. Not letting me kill everyone I come across. If I kill a vital NPC tell me ! (Morrowing did this very well).
5. Not listing damage/hit formulas for weapons and skills, if I want to Min/Max on my 7th play through let me.
6. Long load times, plague of RPGs
7. Following an amazing game with a trash sequal (Yes, you Deus Ex 2 and Neverwinter Nights's official campaign ).
8. Giving me money often and shops rarely (Deus Ex)
9. Being too linear (Console RPGs)
10. RPGs so open-ended they feel like an MMORPG that only has one player (Morrowind and to some extent Arcanum).
11. The inability to skip cut scenes (I don't want to see the scene on my fourth play through).
12. The inability to turn off music to save processing power, for say streaming audio (no, editing the .ini does not count).
13. Having skills that become worthless towards the end of the game (Unarmed in Fallout 1/2 comes to mind).
14. The D&D 3rd edition rules for character creation. I hold a special hatred in my heart for the "buying" stats system.
15. General buggyness, not cool when a crash/save corrupt can erase a good bit of game time.
16. Games that don't autosave every new area or every 15 minutes.
17. Forcing me to get past problem X in only way, I want several answers or multiple team mates (Deus Ex and Fallout get extra points here).
18. Making the "good path" three times as long as the "evil" path (Fallout you're guilty, you too KOTOR, same boat BGII, Arcanum, I remember you having the same problem)
19. Giving me way more money that I could possibly spend. Please add something like a super-item shop towards the end of the game.
20. Time limits on game play, realistic yes, fun no.
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect.
Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum:
"Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt."