Originally posted by Lasereth
I personally believe that nature already has a population-control mechanism in act. It's called homosexuals. Do they choose to be gay? No, they simply are. I honestly believe it's nature's way of population control.
Love that line, it makes so much sence.
Personally I can say that I can understand afew main points that the site has. This earth is over-populating and growing at a rapid rate, and yes we will run out of un-renewable resources that immensely effect our lives. Human extinction is certainly a way to fix this problem but it is NOT the right way of doing it. The more logical way is to use our knowledge and maintain/ help the current state of the world. Along with inventing substitutes for things like oil etc. Un-renewable resources will run out whether there is 10 billion people or 5 billion people, there is no way of getting around this. So instead of killing ourselfs off by not "mating", we can think of a way to fix this problem before it is too late.