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Old 05-01-2004, 04:15 AM   #18 (permalink)
Sky Piercer
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Location: Ireland
Originally posted by brandon11983
Agreed. Some very good stuff there. You a big enough fan to recommend some good songs, or CD's preferrably?
Autechre: Tri Repetae++, is probably my favourite of theirs. Its a double album, and a good introduction to what they are all about.
Also Confield. This album there for want of a better expression. Its not always exactly easy to listen to, but deep under the churning layers of noise there is an incredible beauty.

Check out this review on I couldn't even attempt to describe this album, but I think this review does an excellent job. I agree with every last word of it...
Click for the full review
Autechre are mulching electronic music, letting their code sweat and rot in the heat. In doing so they set off a complex ecological process that is interesting to watch, if not always pretty to listen to. In parts, the rot has overtaken the music, leaving a humid pile of squirming mush in its place. Depending on your disposition, reactions of "cool," "gross" or "turn it down" all make sense. For those who elect to take advantage of the putrefaction, Autechre's compost heap can serve as nutritious, stinking fertilizer for sprouting fresh possibilities in audio composition.

Wauvenfold: 3fold is a collection of 3 eps. The openning track Clip is weird and wonderful. It is mainly the sounds of something like a camera's zoom lens, and other turning and clicking devices and such.
Stange samples such as these turn up through out the rest of the album, but they never appear out of place. They aren't samples played on top of music (like so many artists who are shamelessly guilty of this) but rather the samples are completely apart of the music.

Aphex Twin: Pretty much everything by Aphex Twin simply rules! Soem good albums to check out are Druqks, Richard D. James Album and for a real treat Selected Ambient Works 85-92. Also check out some of his alter egos; Caustic Window and Polygon Window.
Some good individual tracks: Come to Daddy, Flim (a semi-namesake for me!), Icct Hedral (the Philip Glass orchestration is even beeter than the original), On, Donkey Rhubarb, Quoth(as Polygon Window), Xtal, Girl/Boy song, goon gumpas.

Black Dog consited of three members, but then split, with two of them forming Plaid, and the remaining member Plaid.
Check out Bytes one of their first releases.

[b]Plaid: I love these guys! Not For Threes is a wonderful album! Very listenable, and interesting, with a few tracks featuring guest vocal talent (including Bjork on Lilith). For something a little stranger a suggest Spokes
Good tracks:
Abla Eedio, Lilith, Eyen, Assault on Precinct Zero,

Boards of Canada: Music has the right to children is a very strange, slightly creepy album, featuring a lot of vocals from children. It basks in a sort of childish playfulness, but is all the better for it. Maybe I'm just weird, but kids weird me out!

Squarepusher: Go Plastic and Hard Normal Daddy are great albums worth checking out.
Red Hot Car is a brilliant track, though it may give you a distorted view of what to expect from Squarepusher in general as it is much more "poppy" than the rest of his stuff. (It seems many people ended up buying Go Plastic after only ever hearing Red Hot Car, and ended up hating the album.)

All of the bands I known above I have heard a lot from on the site. Has anyone else been checking that out? I really like it. No I don't run it either, its just some really good shit.
Yeah, checked it out from your link. Its very good. I am on a dial-up connection though, so I can't really browse and listen at the same time, and even when I do nothing but listen, I still can't hear it at good sound quality. What I wanted to do was to use the Disk Writer plugin from Winamp and then leave it running for an hour or two, and then come back to the computer and listen to it offline, but alas! it cannot be done.
Good site though.
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