I'll admit I've only read about half the posts in this thread so far, but the general trend I see is that those who are opposed to marijuana use definitely don't have all the facts on marijuana to begin with, and probably never have taken the time or had the interest, for that matter, to become better educated. Yet at the same time I see that proponents of pot smoking could use a little help too. On that note, I'll throw a link out there for everyone to check out. It is a list of facts about marijuana that are documented and cited, and while that doesn't mean it's bulletproof, it carries more weight than a "well I heard.." statistic. I'm willing to bet some of the facts on there will surprise you, whether you smoke weed or not. In any case, I urge everyone on both sides of this controversial issue to take a couple minutes to check it out, and maybe even take some time to click a couple other links on there or to look up more info on this fascinating topic. Turning your back on an issue like this only furthers ignorance, so let's get reading people!