Originally posted by User Name
And I think the character judgment of Tillman made by the author is probably close to the truth.
Well, I'm glad to see we also have someone who knew the man.
I think it's sick, personally. The foundation of the argument is that the author doesn't approve of the wars the U.S. has become involved in. And to drive the point home, he then focuses on a single individual - who, in my opinion, actually did a heroic thing in trading money for love of country, whether justified or not - and proceeds to tarnish the man's character as well as the actions he took.
If he wanted to make a stand against the war, he could have done it in a different way; you know, one perhaps a little less belicose and downright pernicious, as well as startlingly ignorant. Just my thought.
And I really like this (it honestly would make me stand and cheer to hear a president say this):
It is Mr. Gonzalez's right to be wrong, as he is in this case.