While I can see the point he is trying to make about how soldiers and war are still glorified in order to mask up the horrors of war, and how he really hates it in this circumstance because he opposes the wars that the US is involved in... I think everything he says is completely cheapened by the fact that he is making character judgements about someone he doesn't know.
He's assuming Tillman was "probably" some hyper-patriotic Rambo-wannabe. While this may or may not be true, I doubt this guy has any real clue to fact of this one way or another. All this guy manages to do is make himself sound like someone who has some jealousy or inferiority issues and feels the need to lash out at someone who he feels is undeservedly popular.
Perhaps if he had just limited his message to the fact that he doesn't like the glorification of the military in the media and used this as a case-example without blowing off so much steam directed at unfounded personal attacks, he would have had something left over to discuss.
Perhaps he could have said: "Sacrifice? Yes. Hero? No. Unneccesary? Yes." But instead he comes off as a jerk.