You must remember the Democratic party is the party of the working class stiff, the elderly and poor. How can a person who has all of the expensive toys know how to represent those people.
I think he goes by the theory that the person with most, expensive toys, wins.
Besides, it seems like these stories are popping up all over the place, All you Kerry supporters can come up with are that
Bush might of missed a few Guard meetings. And that he flew onto an air craft carrier. As commander in chief, they all do it from time to time. Something about raising the morale of the troops. Kennedy, Carter and even the draft dodger Clinton have done it.
And speaking of draft dodging, your hero Kerry tried to get a deferment to go study in Paris after Yale but was turned down. So he did the safest thing he could do, joined the Naval Reserve. When he volunteered for the Swift Boats, they were not being used in combat.