Originally posted by 00111000
I'm avoiding e3 this year. While it sure is a fun time, it's a real hassle for me to get there this year, company is no longer paying for hotel/transport so its gotta come out of my pocket. Few tips if its your first time going.
1. Comfortable shoes. I cannot stress this enough. You will walk a whole hell of a lot and stand around a whole hell of a lot more. Having shin splints on day 2 is no fun at all.
2. You may want to wait to get there till around 11-12 on the first day. The lines to get your badge/holder are friggin retarded when the show first opens. If you're going for all 3 days there is no need to be there at opening time on day 1. You'll have more than enough time to see what you want to see.
3. Food/Water. As in any convention it's overpriced and pretty craptacular so bring your own. I bring fruit and a large water bottle with me, easy to carry and much better fuel then a $12 sandwich and coke.
4. A good bag/backpack. You pick up a ton of crap along the way.
5. Walkie talkies are good if you go with a friend. You don't know how easy it is to lose someone in there. It sure is a bitch when you want to leave and they're not around.
Other than that, have a great time. It really is a lot of fun.
Thanks for the advice.
The shoes aren't an issue, as I'm on my feet all day anyway.
I never thought about the food and drinks. This will save me.