Interesting post. I don’t have much to add really other than to say that in some other countries in the world, they have the exact opposite debate going on. Prostitution is legal (in controlled environments similar to Nevada) whereas pornography is illegal. Also, often times we believe that pornography is some sort of modern problem, whereas if we look at history it is almost as old as prostitution itself. Personally I think that both should be legal (prostitution in controlled environments of course).
Really, though, what is the difference between going out and paying for a hooker for sex or taking a girl out on a date, buying her dinner, flowers, and whatnot, with the expectation that she will give you sex at the end of the night? Or worse yet, going down to the local bar and picking up a girl there after buying her a few drinks so that you can get into her pants? At least with prostitution both sides are on the up and up and (at least in a controlled environment) the chances of contracting STD’s are reduced.