Thanks for all the responses so far.
My copy of XP is on it's way, so 2000/3 isn't an option.
I turn my computer off more than the avg user, due to the fact that if nothing else is on the noise annoys me. (now if I could just do that to the refridgerator...), which is why I'm keen on the random desktop for boot. Thanks for the link, gmoot, I will give it a shot, although it looks like it runs constantly, and I'm looking for something that will just run once and stop.
The privacy stuff is basicaly what I assumed, but wanted to double check it. Thanks for the heads up on patching for blaster before plugging in, will do.
I'm planning on doing a clean install already, which is one of the main reasons I'm trying to get things cleared up before I plunge in. This is one of the main reasons I'm finaly upgrading, because due to some factory foul up I don't have a recovery disk of any sort, and have had several times when for various reasons wanted to reformat (mostly out of laziness)
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "