Originally posted by ratbastid
In the meantime, porn companies have suspended filming for 60 days until everybody on the first- and second-generation lists can get tested twice. Some companies have pledged to institute all-condoms-all-the-time policies, which can only be good for safe sex acceptance in the country at large.
But really boring porn. Sorry, but I really dont' like watching safe sex porn. If I have casual sex I have to be safe myself as it is, so why the hell would I want to fantasize while watching other ppl go thru the reduced stimulation and general annoyance condoms bring to the bedroom?
I use porn as a enhancer to my imagination, and I don't wanna fantasize about getting a hot chick with a restrictive piece of latex wrapped around my rascal. It's worse than watching guys jerk off on a hot girl's face instead of actually getting off in her or letting her do it. I accept the reality and necessity of condoms in casual sex (tho I haven't had to use condoms for almost 7 years now) but I refuse to bring them into my fantasy world ala visual stimulation.
Str8 porn will now have the same market gay porn does now..."bareback" pr0n will now be very expensive and older vids will get the price jacked up on them. I fully understand HIV is a fucked up disease and they need to protect themselves a better way than this. Perhaps have better contracts for the performers that include a no sex outside of the business or provide test results of all partners in the last month. Maybe refuse to give work to free agent stars that can go to Brazil and get HIV and spread it to stars here as was the case here. I have heard about stars making agreements with one another to only have sex with each other to avoid HIV, and of course there are husband and wives doing scenes exclusively with one another. There are better alternatives to this, and I hope they don't go down this road. Next they'll have dental dams in Lez films... 
I happen to like the words "fuck", "cock", "pussy", "tits", "cunt", "twat", "shit" and even "bitch". As long as I am not using them to describe you, don't go telling me whether or not I can/should use them...that is, if you want me to continue refraining from using them to describe you. ~Prince