Originally posted by MahlerIsGod
If my system is going to have problems with FarCry (even with my new 9800 Pro) then I am starting to get a little worried about the games on the horizon: HL2, Doom 3, etc. I know I won't have the money for a 6800 or the ATI equivalent.
Nah, you should be good. I have a Radeon 9600 Pro and I can run UT2004 completely maxed out (1280x1024 res) with NO lag at all. I haven't encountered a game yet that I can't run maxed out.. and I've tried a LOT of games.
I highly doubt Doom 3 will require a card higher than 64 or 128 MB seeing as how not a lot of people have cards this powerful. They have to release the game under somewhat reasonable requirements or no one would buy it.