So, now we have the upcoming wedding (ooh, I wonder what will happen there...), the teen pregnancy, the interfamilial dating (Jimmy, Hailey, Kirsten), and a growing number of love triangles:
- Seth/Summer/ Summer's Father/Anna,
- Kirsten/Hailey/Jimmy,
- Ryan/Theresa/Marissa,
- Julie/Caleb/Luke,
- Sandy/ his left eyebrow/his right eyebrow
.... what will be next? Any predictions as to who fights at the wedding? Any predictions as to who, if anyone, actually gets MARRIED?
All snarkiness aside, this show continues to be strangely appealing (something I may never live down in my household).
Also, did anyone else notice that in the episode where Seth is trying on clothes to go meet Summer's father, that his teeth were ridiculously white? (almost in contention with Ross's, on Friends)
Last edited by kulrblind; 04-30-2004 at 05:52 AM..