Originally posted by minyn
ive done this before and always thought it was a great idea. wonder tho if you can break it up into lines just for the sake of reading in terms of "god that makes my mind think AND my eyes hurt"
i quickly learned that lesson after doing a couple of these
heres another:
We've Already Made Plans
A soul breaks down through the glass barrier,
riding the train of thought,
backseat driving is this one?s game.
A pill popping time machine knows the score,
to pry a forehead open involves a great deal
of the snorting, spitting horses and laughing arabian blades,
and attempting something else would result in a scentless victory over the forces
that do not behold our beauty.
It is there, lurking, surely,
this is old news to those who receive the trappings of their gifted disease,
duplicity runs in the family
and eats for strength at the kiddie table.
Any more dusting is just ridiculous.
Who can foreshadow a square block fitting a triangular hole
without the proper instrumentation
rotational mice denistry?
Potbellied bluesmen may finger the ten discounted papers dearly,
but it is their ancestry that first committed to the dance.
Skeptics have arisen ghostly mannerisms from beneath the butler?s eyes,
to paint the left as the right, and the right as green.
Who can say what comes next?
Of utmost importance now is the removal of masks,
followed by precise counting.