SixEdxMia, I didnt intend to be rude, but I still don't understand your perspective. I felt something had to be said, even if at risk of sounding threatening, and therefore losing credibility to the more important things I had to say. You seem to have a very powerful, practical attitude, and I appreciate that, but I think because of that you are likely to not care what I say. That's fine, don't read any further, and things will be left as they are.
I don't know what "Its a lack of respect taught early and it may never fade." means without you explaining it.
You take a similar position as analog (actually without reading his posts carefully, I don't completely understand his.), but you believe you can supress his anger by giving him no other option. He behaves or gets beat. Is that what you mean? You statements are short and you seem to make a lot of allusions that I don't understand.
I was very confused by the following:
"Yes,But I am mom,not big brother,and if mommy isn't happy,nobodys happy. I also have six big brothers.. go figure..."
"Let him get a wife like me ten years from now...."
Do you mean you are able to control your kids by being hard on them and you trust that method even after being subjected to it yourself. What about the other things, it isnt as easy as that.
"Shitty rudeness,and a crappy sentence at that."
SixEdxMia, You seem to know a lot of guys that you've been around for a while and never had an effect on. But you still don't seem to be able to explain how they didnt learn respect or where they went wrong or how you think they could have turned out differently.
You make a generalization about the many ways Bubba might turn out in life. All I was asking was what patterns have you seen in these people, that would be really helpful.
And is it really that bad of sentence structure that you can't understand it?
Last edited by gophtc; 04-29-2004 at 12:53 PM..