More from the great state of Oklahoma:
no liquor stores open on Sunday, but beer and wine coolers and crap can be sold in the grocery stores on Sunday (I think).
Liquor stores can't carry domestic beer, only import. That's because all domestic beer sold in OK is the watered down stuff and liquor stores can only sell the 6pt beer.
No cold storage is allowed in liquor stores here. However, grocery stores can chill their watered down crap.
Liquor stores closed on election days until the polls close.
All liquor stores close at 9pm.
Individuals cannot own more than one liquor store legally, though some have found ways around that. There are no "chain" liquor stores.
Nothing but liquor can be sold in a liquor store- no shot glasses, cork screws, mixes, etc.
You must have lived in Oklahoma for 10 years in order to get a liquor license to open a store. This is the store type of license, there are others that I don't think have that stipulation.
Oklahoma is the biggest bible beating place you will ever see- fucking churches are on literally every corner, some right next door to each other. I think they have the most messed up liquor laws of anywhere. I don't really fit in here...