Originally posted by Superbelt
I care about this for two reasons.
One, it shows to me a lack of interest in the office.
Two, to refute the claim some here and throughout the republican world that Bush doesn't have or shouldn't bother giving his time to the commission.
It's obvious he has had plenty.
So, again, it seems that his opponents can read his mind.
As far as the answering the question with regard to him lacking time, it doesn't say one thing about that. Wasted time is wasted time. I seriously doubt that endless hours of questioning of the President and VP (separately or together) would result in a different story than the one that's been told by Condoleeza Rice, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
I've offered a reason that having them together would make sense. It's a matter of not wasting time answering the same question posed in a slightly different manner or countless follow ups for clarification.