To save time? That's bull. Save time from what? Bush spends months on vacation. Has spent numerous days flying around the country to stump for different candidates and to campaign for himself.
He, and his second can't give several hours each, individually to something as important as the 9/11 commission?
Save time? It's not like Bush is running around on the short struggling to do things.
It does not make sense to "testify" (it's not really testifying if it is off the record and barred from the public) together either just because they work so closely. If anything that's more reason to keep them apart when they go in for their questioning.
[edit] looks like we thought the same thing at the same time.
Though I especially like the points you made in your second paragraph about how the only extra time that would be taken up would be the willing commissioners.[/edit]
Last edited by Superbelt; 04-29-2004 at 09:37 AM..