The quote from the article Cyn posted said it all:
Here's how Rick Sands, Miramax's chief operating officer, explained it to The New York Times last week:
" `Vol. 1' goes out, `Vol. 2' goes out, then `Vol. 1 Special Edition,' `Vol. 2 Special Edition,' the two-pack, then the Tarantino collection as a boxed set for Christmas," he said. "It's called multiple bites at the apple."
This guy is such a fucking idiot for saying a quote like that to the Times. He pretty much just came out and said that they're planning on bleeding the consumer for all they're worth.
I have no problem with multiple editions of a DVD being released. But be DECENT about it - be like LOTR or Almost Famous - announce your release and mention that a Special Edition is on the way - so people don't have to buy twice.
I read that quote in the Times and thought to myself - I think I'll download this one off the net just so it's one less dollar going in this asshole's pocket.