What surprises me is the vast amount of people who see NOTHING wrong with that logic, don't even question it once, and don't see how contradicting it is.
So, in order to be saved by the person that died for everyone's sins... I have to believe in him, otherwise I'm SOL? I thought god was all about compassion and love? Surely a being that infinite and cosmic would understand that I'm only human, and in THIS day and age if I happen to think outside of the box and decide that due to all the science, microbiology, evolution, etc floating around that religion is *most likely* not real, I shouldn't be punished for it. That's pure BS. Even in the midst of all this contracition, how could I NOT be expected to come to a conclusion that something is SERIOUSLY flawed in all of this? I'm expected to just ignore it and believe? That's not right.
It's flawed every which way you look at it.
What about being baptised? Doesn't that negate all sin that you were to commit during your lifetime? There's fine print with that too, isn't there?
I'm not 100% against believing in some god-like being, but silly rules and contradictions like this surely don't help things any