Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
Eh, I'm no Bush fan, but the man handles himself well in public. I thought his press conference a few weeks ago was just fine. He kept on-message and dealt with the questions well. He may make up some interesting words from time to time, but I don't think the white house is afraid of letting Bush speak in public.
Handled questions well? I strongly disagree, but rather than drift off topic, I'll only point out the portion of the questions relevant to this discussion:
Q Mr. President, why are you and the Vice President insisting on appearing together before the 9/11 Commission? And, Mr. President, who will you be handing the Iraqi government over to on June 30th?
THE PRESIDENT: We will find that out soon. That's what Mr. Brahimi is doing; he's figuring out the nature of the entity we'll be handing sovereignty over. And, secondly, because the 9/11 Commission wants to ask us questions, that's why we're meeting. And I look forward to meeting with them and answering their questions.
Q I was asking why you're appearing together, rather than separately, which was their request.
THE PRESIDENT: Because it's a good chance for both of us to answer questions that the 9/11 Commission is looking forward to asking us, and I'm looking forward to answering them.
Does he really think the American people are too dumb to realize that the question he answered wasn't the one that was asked?