just watched the DVD.
viewed simplistically and incorrectly as a straight action film - it stinks. If part two is much heavier on dialogue with decent plot development then it has to be better, or at least I can hope.
my overall view - passable. The best part for me seeing that beautiful fine blade and Uma Thurman. Everything else was pretty much forgettable, and the big fight scene did nothing for me at all in any sense beside make me wonder how much better it would have been without it. A good rental but not something I would watch in the theatre or buy unless it was a cheap bargain bin/previously viewed DVD.
Mildy curious about the sequel but can wait until it hits the video store and leaves the 'new release' section, if I even rent it then.
edit: three things I really liked were the Choreography, the camera work, and the little anime bit showing the origins of Lucy Lui's character. Still not enough to make up for the other glaring weaknesses but they at held my interest. Needed much more quality dialogue and far less pointless but very realistic
