Concerned for my health...
I've been staying with a friend for the last month, and unfortunatly this friend smokes (cigarettes), sometimes excessively, to the point where it's difficult to fall asleep at night. Well, I can't tell her to quit since it's her house and I'm her guest, but I am concerned for my health, especially since I tend to perform alot of cardio daily. I avoid the smoke by always keeping the room where I stay closed, but the smoke still manages to sneak in.
I'm very sensitive to the smoke, as I've never smoked and have never lived in an environment with smoke. Since I'm concerned with my lungs and my health, I was wondering if these past few weeks of exposure will have any long term effects on me?
Perhaps I sound a tad concerned, and I am, since I don't want my body to lose it's edge, especially since I consider my health of such importance. (I take two-three hour jogs every day!)
So...all help would be appreciated. Thanks!