Holy shit, anyone remember the show Night Court? That had THE MOST ANNOYING laugh track. Seriously, take a listen to it if you ever happen to see it (do they even play it anymore?) and you'll hear this GUY goin "hyuck-hyuckhyuck-hyuck" EVERY SINGLE TIME in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
Do they REALLY think people wouldn't notice that?
Laugh tracks are there to help guide people into kind of laughing. Like if Friends didn't have the laugh track, no one would laugh because the show isn't really that funny.
A common joke that they ALWAYS repeat is like this:
Monica: Oh hey Ross!
Ross: Hi Monica.. what's that greasy stuff in your hair?
Monica: Oh, this is hair gel, I put too much on.
Chandler stumbles in the room: HEY GANG! Wanna go to the video arcade and monica why is your HAIR SO GREASY? (all said in one sentence to kinda "slip" it in there as if they're being clever)
*laugh track*
wtf? That's NOT FUNNY.
If you ever wanna prove to someone how genuinely UNFUNNY these shows are, simply laugh out loud (fake, of course) whenever the laugh track hits. And when they get annoyed and they look at you.. you say, "What? IT was FUNNY!"
...but deep inside, they'll know it wasn't funny. Keep doing it and eventually they'll either hit you upside the head with a brick, give you some kind of kung fu cross kick to the ribs, or they'll begin to realize that what they are watching .. really isn't funny at all.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 04-28-2004 at 02:47 PM..