I really hope the virus gets out SO bad that they can't contain it.
It won't end like that, I'm sure, but I wish it would. It'd be so much better, IMO.
I like rooting for the bad guy.
I wished that nuke would've went off right in the middle of LA in Season 2 instead of in the desert. I think they could've built a much better story around the aftermath.
You KNOW in real life they wouldn't get all these miraculous chances to win like they have been. After a while, it kinda gets unbelievable.. like c'mon, how much luck can you have?
You're tellin me that they snuck in the building, were seen on the monitor, AND walked off JUST IN TIME for the terrorist guy (forgot his name) to turn back to the monitor? Yeah right.
It's a good show, but c'mon, let the bad guy win for once.
I love lamp.