But I'm afraid the US Administration was, just like you, unable to see that or considered it not to be important.
Actually I do consider it important, but what is more important than the religious differences are the tribal divisions.
"But wait... thats not what I've been hearing on the news!"
Do some research and you'll understand. You want resources? Read Neo-Tribalism in Iraq: Saddam Hussein's Tribal Policies 1991-96. By Amatizia Baram
Tribes transend the religious divisions in Iraq, hell the majority of Shi'it tribes supported Saddam in the uprisings in '91, not because they were scared but because of his policy divisions. If religion was the major division they would have supported the revolt dont you think?
No need to go down to the level of attacking me or my thoughts by the way, because I back them up.
BTW Zeld... good points. I dont agree with the amount of influence you hold true but definately valid points.