How's the weather? I don't know what your elevation is, but when I think Panama, I think of warmer weather.
Labs are great dogs, but they don't do well in hot weather. They were actually initally bred to hop into freezing cold north Atlantic water. Friends/neighbors of my grandparents had a great Lab dog who they took with them as they retired to Arizona. Granted, it was hot and very dry, not just hot. The lab came back to Alberta to spend the rest of his days with my grandparents because he was having such a hard time in the heat.
I agree with German Shepards. I grew up with six of them and I've never seen smarter or more loyal dogs. I have a picture of me when I was a few years old riding a shepard, using his ears to hold on. I think any very well trained smart dog will be fine with kids, as long as the trainer and parent knows where to draw the line. Ideally you would have the baby for a few months before you get the puppy. (No idea on hot weather and shepards, but they seem inclined to colder weather)
Rotts are pretty good too. I don't think they are as smart as Shepards or Labs, but from my limited experience they are a good option. My best friend's familiy has always had one or two as long as I can remember.
As far as getting one of each, it's pretty debateable. Get one of each sex. Two males will fight with each other, two females with try to kill each other, and the worst thing that will happen with one of each is some ugly ass puppies. If you get a Rotty and something else, get the something else first. The Rotty is a natural bully, and if they start on equal ground, the other dog will become henpecked-useless as a guard.