Originally posted by Batman976
Didn't Sports Night start of with a laugh track, but then eventually get rid of it?
Yes, they had it at the beginning. The network suits forced it on them:
<a href="http://www.post-gazette.com/magazine/19980922sports5.asp">
Series creator and writer Aaron Sorkin, who earned admiration from critics and film audiences alike for his screenplays of "A Few Good Men" and "The American President," thinks a laugh track is wrong for "Sports Night."
"For some of us the laugh track was actually interfering with our enjoyment of the show," Sorkin said at a press conference with TV critics this summer in Pasadena, Calif. One day later at an ABC press party, Sorkin came out of a huddle with Tarses and said "Sports Night" would have a laugh track.
"My gut is still no laugh track, but I'm listening to very bright people who say [there should be a] laugh track," Sorkin said. "So I'm going to go with them for a while. We're going to reassess the situation after six episodes."
Most of the show's cast, including "Benson" veteran Guillaume, were anti-laugh track, too.
"If I were to be perfectly honest, I would say I don't like laugh tracks," Guillaume said. "But I'd rather have laugh tracks than nothing where there's supposed to be a laugh."
After the trial run, they wised up and got rid of it....