Originally posted by analog
I will reiterate. Kick his ass. Teach him now before he grows up another wife-beater.
Maybe its too late?
Let him get a wife like me ten years from now....
Or a wife like lorriana bobbit.
Originally posted by gophtc
SixEdxMia, You seem to know a lot of guys that you've been around for a while and never had an effect on. But you still don't seem to be able to explain how they didnt learn respect or where they went wrong or how you think they could have turned out differently.
Shitty rudeness,and a crappy sentence at that. Like I said,I have six brothers,Spent my whole life with them,they turned out pretty damn good.As far as the others go thats not my problem.I just had better parents then most.
And same ol same ol...you are a product of your own environment.