I just need to rant.
My apt manager supposedly doesn't need help around here anymore so I've been deposed. She tells me that it was a mutual decision that corp made and that it's out of her hands. Right. I called corp. They said they really had nothing to do with the decision. They are backing her up but it wasn't their choice. They said it was up to the manager and that she supposely felt she had more time to take care of stuff. K, the apt manager is claiming that patio was a mess and I had been asked to clean it up. It is clean btw but I had not been asked to clean it up. I had heard from the maintanance guy the day I was outside spring cleaning it that it looked better and it was a good thing I cleaned it, he said cause I'd been told it was a mess before. Huh? I had not been told once. I clean it of my own volition (sp?). anyhoo it wasn't that messy. My daughter's bike and scooter, and the grill. Just needed sweeping and straightening. At any rate. She supposedly called other residents to ask them if I was doing anything. Supposedly none of them didn't even know who I was. Yeah maybe by name but they know to come to my door and they know me by face. I'd say half or more wave at me. I'm not out and about that much. I'm here all the time and indoors all winter. I don't know everyone who lives on the other side of the OTHER apt but I don't cross paths with them often none of them come to me for help though they've received notices with my name and apt number listed. I'm just ticked. She's gone behind my back. She claims she doesnt' need me. I've covered her butt on more than one occaision when she didn't show up to show someone an apt. She set the time, didn't notify me, just didn't show. THen they come knocking on my door unannounced. She never returns my phone calls, doesn't take care of problems quickly and I'm left getting ahold of space heaters for my neighbor to use all weekend because she and her maintanance man don't have time to fix the woman's thermostat in NOV. This is up north remember. She leaves me without a fridge for 4 days cause she doesn't think it's a big deal. She only returns my phone calls when I threaten to call corp. NOW I told corp I didn't want anyone coming to my door for help if I'm not being compensated. I know I will get people coming because I was getting people before I had this job. I will call corp EVERY time someone comes to my door for ANYTHING. Because she is lying that she never missed an apt. She's saying that I don't do ANYTHING.
THEN comes today and I find out that they took me off the on site manager's position saying that the woman over me could handle it all now. They lied to me. They've designated someone new. It's not a matter of how much I'm getting compensated or nothin cause I offered to negotiate that. It's not that I wasn't doing anything. I did everything I was asked and then some. I covered K's butt more than I can even say.
It's all because I called corporate on her when she didn't take care of things (after 3 days of calling her). That lyin' bitch of a woman. I'm so pissed that no one better cross me right now.
Thanks for listening. I just had to get that out of my system. I'm so angry about the lying and going behind my back that I'm literally shaking with fury. I'd already reconciled myself to $100 more in rent per month. This comes as just "icing on the cake". I want so bad to strangle her. If I can figure out a way to bury her sorry ass with corporate I will use EVERY last piece of dirt that I can find on this bitch. I doubt I'll be able to do much at all for a long time though. Every time she screws up though it's going into my "file" and corporate is getting a call. She once asked me not to call corporate because they get upset with her. It's only one way to make her pay for her deception.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.