Originally posted by Nancy
*sigh* this ought to be a challenge: to teach you how to love Nutella on cheese and a Disney character!
LOL! I suppose I was a bit harsh... kind of a knee jerk reaction for me when it comes to Disney...
I just don't like the Disnification of our culture. As Lebell has pointed out:
There's a whole frickin' generation that thinks Disney INVENTED Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Quasi Modo, Cinderella, etc.
But it goes beyond that for me. I just don't like the Disney view of what the world should be... Disney World and Disney Land are achetypes I really thing we could do without... Just a little too clean and too sterile for me.
Add this to the fact that this message is found in most of their programming... I don't like my ideology so sugar laced.
(sorry for the threadjack I know this is supposed to be an appreciation thread... we now return you to your regularly schedule thread...
