Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal. The presentation or production of this material. Lurid or sensational material: “Recent novels about the Holocaust have kept Hitler well offstage [so as] to avoid the... pornography of the era” (Morris Dickstein).
[French pornographie, from pornographe, pornographer, from Late Greek pornographos, writing about prostitutes : porn, prostitute; see per-5 in Indo-European Roots + graphein, to write; see -graphy.]
Someone had to say it. Since when does pornography HAVE to be people having sex? A picture of a naked male or female can be considered pornography. Or, depending on the pose, background, or other subtle nuances - art.
I suppose though, that the context of your question surrounds "hard-core" sex videos at the adult movie store - so we're dealing with the graphic depiction of sexual intercourse.
The huge difference to me is very obvious: In prostitution, you are paying someone for physical interaction - a much more "personal" or intimate encounter for the sole purpose of your sexual pleasure. Something that's probably illegal for the "ethical" willies it gives most people..."How can you be so cold as to pay someone for something so special?"
Porn is much less "personal". You payed to WATCH someone having sex for your personal sexual pleasure. That probably doesn't include a *live* performance, as that would be very hard to differentiate from prostitution because of the more personal interaction.
Porn is just far less "human" in terms of personal contact and intimacy....prostitution is personal.
Sooo - to counter your friend within the context of your argument -
Porn = Purchasing graphical representation of sexually stimulating material.
Prostitution = Purchasing intimate (physical) interaction for the purpose of sexual stimulation.
My life's work is to bridge the gap between that which is perceived by the mind and that which is quantifiable by words and numbers.
Last edited by tiberry; 04-28-2004 at 05:58 AM..