My two issues would be...
Legalize drugs, tax their sales, spend the proceeds on education and treatment programs. This has been debated on and on, no use in starting it up again, but what we've got going now isn't working, time to try something else.
Number two, I'd reform the tax system. Take out ALL the loopholes. Make it like a progressive flat tax. How much money did you make? Pay X amount. Simple. Currently there's a problem with the tax enforcement where the biggest tax cheats aren't pursued because tracking them down and suing them would consume a huge amount of resources since the cheats have the means to fight the enforcement forever. So many billionaires don't even bother to file tax returns at all. Which leads into my second point, the IRS should be handing out good citizenship awards to citizens who pay their taxes. Perhaps peer pressure could work to make the super wealthy do their part. "Gee Mr. Gates, I don't see your tax payment plaque. Where is it?"
This is kind of a half formed idea, but it might help.