Originally posted by assilem
I really admire your positive spirit when referring to John Kerry. You really don’t hear too many real Kerry supporters. I've seen a few of your posts since joining a few days ago and all your posts about John Kerry are very up-beat no matter what the issue at hand. Your optimism is very refreshing. Thanks mml.
Thanks assilem, my feelings about Senator Kerry stem from the fact that I have actually researched his background and studied his proposals and for the most part I like what I see. I try not to just take what I hear, see or read in the media, I like to look a bit deeper. I also am a realist and understand that after so many years in the Senate, you are going to be able to spin his voting record any way you want. I guess it is the price for doing something for your country and it is also why it is so difficult Senators and Congressmen to win the Presidency in this day and age. I also have met him and genuinely like him.