Originally posted by jcookc6
As usual people can't remember the original post. It is not a post about did he or didnt he use botox. It is did he LIE about it???
QUICK! QUICK! SOMEONE GET TH- oh, wait.. nope, don't care.
Is this really what passes for "news" or "information" right now?
No fucking wonder people hate politics-
and it's no wonder the younger crowd doesn't care enough to be mindful and vote. Some people (not necessarily any of you, i'm talking in general here) are such nitpicky assholes it's like, "why should I bother? I'll never get the truth no matter what anyway."
and then some of you wonder why you get so much:
[perceived lesser of two evils]
*Casts Vote* [/perceived lesser of two evils]
P.S.- just for the record, the bit about being on the road and skin tautness is correct, if applicable. Dehydration, poor eating habit, lack of vitamin intake, extra sun exposure (as opposed to when he usually just pushes pencils around indoors), and even common stress can all cause extra tautness and firmness in the skin, especially in the face, hands, and feet.
Take that info as you will.
...And FDR didn't let the American public know he was in a wheelchair. That devious bastard! How dare he? Can we retroactively impeach him?
This thread is nothing but trolling and is now closed.