Originally posted by arch13
I'm not convinced that's your business.
It's not any of our business who a president sleeps with or if he dye's his hair any more than it's our business if bush's little girls went to a yale naked party or if Jeb's daughter is out of rehab yet.
You sir, imho are 100% incorrect.
If I ask an elected official what type of laundry detergeant he uses it is my business to get a truthful answer. If it isn't my business then you may tell me so, and I will digress or persist. I will decide what is or isn't my business with my elected officials, my candidates, or anyone or anything related to them whether directly or indirectly or as far fetched as I fucking feel like.
If you lie to me, you are an untrustworthy individual no longer deserving of my vote, and deserving only of my ridicule. I don't care if you disagree. You serve at my pleasure. Not the other way around. End of discussion.
You of course are free to answer as you see fit. You can choose not to answer, and you will risk what ever counter measures I can muster up for this decision, but that will be better then lying. If you don't like it...tough. Perhaps elected office isn't for you. The office you seek to hold will be scrutinized in what ever fashion I see fit.