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Old 04-27-2004, 06:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
mr sticky
Location: NC
Just the issues...

Since every Bush supporter thinks Kerry is an asshat and every Kerry supporter thinks Bush is a bigger asshat, let's change the tone here. I'd like, when you have a bit of extra time, to give me your take on a hot-button issue, and what YOU WOULD DO TO FIX IT!

I don't care what party your in, I don't care who your voting for. I want your issue with your repair. Then, we may just get somewhere in understanding each other's positions instead of picking sides and tossing diatribes and rants at each other.

My issue: Healthcare Reform.

Yes, the abuses of the past have made it what it is today, and even attracted its own parasite ( the trial lawyers), but something has got to give. Normal household budgets cannot afford it. Health insurance is skyrocketing and coverage is collapsing. I pay twice what I used to for half the coverage. AND I WORK IN HEALTHCARE!!!

We have to start by tort reform! There is no other way. Most of our emergency rooms are being strangled by physicians ordering tests based on their ability to win in a lawsuit versus the true needs of the patient. Luckily for patients, the physicians order more comprehensive studies than are required to ascertain their condition.

Case in point...You enter the ER with an atraumatic headache. Now, each patient that enters the ER with a headache always rates their pain as excrutiating. Well, maybe one out of ten actually are. And that's generous. Most are people seeking attention, a work excuse, or narcotics. A full one out of ten will actually look as if they're in pain and deserve the benefit of the doubt. So, one out of ten actually would compel you to work them up.

Now a good eight of these ten will get a very simple and safe exam called a CT scan of their brain. These are relatively quick to perform, BUT COST OVER TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!. These are done mainly to absolve the ER physician of any liability because he worked it up to the fullest of his capabilities.

Now the chances of any of these actually having any radiographic descernible pathology is minute, however I'm all for trying to diagnose real pain, but DAMN two thousand a pop? In the old days, a doc would do a quick exam to rule out any focal neuro defecits, give you something for the pain and tell you to come back the next day if it didn't help.

He can't anymore, the risk of a lawsuit can truly put him in the poorhouse. Lose a case and you may not be able to afford to work.
Doc's can't work parttime anymore either, because the of the same reason: malpractice insurance is too high (even for those who have never been sued).

So, my point is we have to stop diagnosing people by the lawyers rules. They are going to have to bear some brunt of the costs of litigation.

Firstly, I would set a cap on lawyer fees.

Secondly, any one sued for malpractice may, at the same time, counter sue for legal fees if a case is found to be meritless, with the attorney footing the bill. A good portion of lawsuits are settled with the insurance company extorted into paying a lower price for a pay off, than higher one for a court win.

Thirdly, I would privatize medicare. Look at Blue Advantage, their doing good reimbursement as cheap as medicare.

It's gotta start with tort reform, any other attack will have no teeth!!

I hope this is somewhat cohesive, it's late for me.

So, debate mine or post your own.

The sad thing is... as you get older you come to realize that you don't so much pilot your life, as you just try to hold on, in a screaming, defiant ball of white-knuckle anxious fury
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