Polls: Two polls came out last week showing President Bush defeating John Kerry by about the same 5-point margin. CNN/USATODAY/GALLUP and the WASHINGTON POST/ABC polls seemed to offer good news to the President - and bad news to the Kerry camp.
Fox News Channel's Brit Hume roundtable on Thursday night reviewed these polls - as did other networks and commentators - with the spin that Bush "is on the rebound."
Funny, but the best and most accurate pollster - John Zogby, theonly pollster to have the 2000 deadlock right on - shows Kerry narrowly (47%-44%) ahead of Bush. Yet none of these reports mentioned this poll. I guess it got in the way of the "Bush Rebounds" headline they were promoting.
I guess I missed the part where Kerry was washed up. Personally, all these Kerry issues seem like small potatoes compared to the mess in Iraq and the mess in the Economy. I think Kerry is doing exactly right by taking the high road and ignoring the personal attacks. Much like it worked for Bush when questions about his past cocaine usage came up during the election campaign.