Originally posted by SiphonX
peyton went to the colts when they were rebuilding, and archie was buddies w/ owner so he knew they'd take care of his son. anyhow... whats up w/ all this archie talk, i really hate that guy, he was a pretty bad football player, career stats have already been surpassed by peyton in half the time =\ . eh, o well. eli sucks too! peyton is the only worthwhile QB along w/ marino, and favre, every1 else is an overhyped bitch, including stabler, elway, montana, brady, and namath.
That kind of talk can get you shot in Denver. I am pretty sure Constantine would dieify him if he was still around. . .
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.