Before everyone goes writting Kerry off, this is a LOOOONNNGGG campaign and we are only in the opening stages. Kerry's campaign does not have a great deal of money and is conserving funds to do a big build up before the convention. He is being attacked pretty effectively by both Bush and Cheney and he simply does not have the resources to fight back right now. He need a V.P. to help with fighting back and spreading his agenda as well as assisting with fund-raising. Unfortuately Kerry is known to sit back a bit during elections, but he has always ended strong.
Is he the ideal candidate - probably not, but barring anything crazy, he will be the Democratic Nominee and believe it or not he can win. However, second term elections are always a referrendum on how the President is doing, so Bush is in the driver's seat.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams